avarice meaning
- Noun: avarice avuris
- Reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- greed, covetousness, rapacity, avaritia - Extreme greed for material wealth
- avariciousness, covetousness, cupidity, graspingness
Derived forms: avarices
See also: avaricious
Type of: deadly sin, greed, mortal sin
Encyclopedia: Avarice
- Reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- avarice was his prevailing passion.
- avarice is a bane to happiness.
- What does discretion end, and avarice begin?
- Their avarice knows no bounds, you can never satisfy them.
- Had i really loved, could i have sacrificed my feelings to vanity, to avarice.
- avarice is growing with him a besetting sin
- When it provokes avarice, it becomes a sin
- avarice makes rich people want to become even richer
- The chief ingredient in the making of a criminal is avarice
- The chicken represents greed, avarice
Other Languages
- "avarice" meaning in Chinese: n. 贪心,贪婪。
- "avarice" meaning in Japanese: avarice n. 貪欲(どんよく)さ. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆insatiable avarice 飽くことのな...
- "avarice" meaning in Russian: 1) алчность, жадность, корыстолюбие Ex: insatiable avarice...
- "avarice" meaning in French: n. avarice, attachement excessif à l'argent; avidité; pi...
What is the meaning of avarice and how to define avarice in English? avarice meaning, what does avarice mean in a sentence? avarice meaning,avarice definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.