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argentite meaning

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  • Noun: argentite  'aa(r)jun`tIt
    1. A valuable silver ore consisting of silver sulphide (Ag2S)

    Derived forms: argentites

    Type of: mineral

    Encyclopedia: Argentite


  • It occurs in nature as argentite, an important ore of silver.
  • Silver minerals include argentite and native silver.
  • Argentite belongs to the galena group.
  • In the oxidized zone, ore minerals include native silver and argentite have been replaced by cerargyrite, iodobromite, bromyrite, embolite, iodyrite.
  • Ores include argentite ( Ag 2 S ), chlorargyrite ( AgCl ) which includes horn silver, and pyrargyrite ( Ag 3 SbS 3 ).
  • Ores include argentite ( Ag 2 S ), chlorargyrite ( AgCl, which includes horn silver ), and pyrargyrite ( Ag 3 SbS 3 ).
  • The metal occurs naturally in its pure, free form ( native silver ), as an alloywith gold and other metals, and in minerals such as argentite and chlorargyrite.
  • The mineral was mentioned in 1529 by G . Agricola, but the name " argentite " was not used till 1845 and is due to W . Haidinger.
  • The name " argentite " sometimes also refers to pseudomorphs of argentite : specimens of acanthite which still display some of the outward signs of the cubic crystal form, even though their actual crystal structure is monoclinic due to the lower temperature.
  • The name " argentite " sometimes also refers to pseudomorphs of argentite : specimens of acanthite which still display some of the outward signs of the cubic crystal form, even though their actual crystal structure is monoclinic due to the lower temperature.

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What is the meaning of argentite and how to define argentite in English? argentite meaning, what does argentite mean in a sentence? argentite meaningargentite definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.