analects meaning
- The image of personality of confucius in quot; the analects quot
- Quality education thought seen form confucian's analects
- analects of mencius and zisi-mencius school's wuxing thought
- On the supreme realm of the benevolence in analects of confucius
- New interpretation to the jenny section of confucian analects
- Reviewing the filial piety and charity of analects of confucius
- Image and value tread of zilu and zengxi in analects of confucius
- On three levels of kind-heartedness thought in analects of confucius
- Contradiction of literary concept in the analects
- The first person pronoun in the analects of confucius
Other Languages
- "analects" meaning in Chinese: n. pl. 文选,选集,言论集。 the A- of Confucius 《论语》。
- "analects" meaning in Japanese: analects語録ごろく
- "analects" meaning in Russian: AnalectsAnalectsanalectsсущ.; мн. литературный сборник ana...
- "analects" meaning in French: n. analectes, morceaux choisis, extraits tirés d'une oeu...
What is the meaning of analects and how to define analects in English? analects meaning, what does analects mean in a sentence? analects meaning,analects definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by