dwell upon in Chinese
- 详论
- "dwell" in Chinese : vi. (dwelt , dwelled; dwelt, ...
- "upon" in Chinese : upon this 于是。
- "dwell on (upon)" in Chinese : 老是想着;详细论述
- "dwell" in Chinese : vi. (dwelt , dwelled; dwelt, dwelled) ...
- "dwell at" in Chinese : 居住在
- "dwell in" in Chinese : 居住在
- "dwell on" in Chinese : 考虑;不断地说; 老想着,考虑; 利用; 凝思;详述; 细想, 详述; 细想 ...
- "be upon" in Chinese : 逼近
- "on upon" in Chinese : 战役活动运动
- "upon" in Chinese : upon this 于是。
- "upon that" in Chinese : 于是
- "upon this" in Chinese : 这时候
- "cam dwell" in Chinese : 凸轮曲线的同心部分
- "dwell alone" in Chinese : 独户孤门; 独门孤户
- "dwell angle" in Chinese : 闭合角; 接点闭角; 凸轮等半径角; 凸轮回转角度; 暂止角
- Thus he was led to dwell upon friendship .
于是他开始对友谊夸夸其谈。 - I fell to dwelling upon the romance of the fog .
我沉溺在浓雾的幻想里。 - But trins had no time to dwell upon this .
不过屈丽娜没工夫来多想这件事。 - I fell to dwelling upon the romance of the fog .
我沉溺于对于浓雾的幻想里。 - He had dwelt upon them from first to last .
他把他们的历史从头到尾详细地说了一遍。 - But i have no space to dwell upon those delightful years .
可惜我没有时间来细细讲述这些美好的日子了。 - He preferred to dwell upon the recognized barriers between them .
他还是宁愿把他们两个之间共同承认的障碍谈一谈。 - In bleak house, i have purposely dwelt upon the romantic side of familiar things .
在《荒凉山庄》中,我有意渲染日常生活中富有浪漫色彩的那一面。 - For harry levin the special, subtle characteristic of american literature has been its dwelling upon darkness .
就哈里莱文而言,美国文学特别而细微的特征在于它念念不忘黑暗面。 - Mr. lorry's business eye read in the speaker's face that it was loss of time to dwell upon the point .
Other Languages
- "dwell upon" meaning: dwell upon ! Dwell upon is more formal than d...
- "dwell upon" meaning in Japanese: =
- "dwell upon" meaning in Russian: задерживаться на (П) ;
- "dwell upon" meaning in French: rester attaché à-; s'attarder sur-
"dwelles" in Chinese, "dwelt" in Chinese, "pit dwelling" in Chinese, "temporary dwelling" in Chinese, "dwell tack" in Chinese, "independent dwelling" in Chinese, "dwelling structure" in Chinese, "dwell phase" in Chinese, "dwell presure" in Chinese, "dwell raito" in Chinese, "dwell time" in Chinese, "dwell together on the plain" in Chinese, "dwell toghter in the same region" in Chinese, "dwell 的过去式及过去分词。" in Chinese, "dwell-tach tester" in Chinese, "dwell-tester (cam angle tester)" in Chinese, "dwell; stay; sojourn" in Chinese, "dwelle newspapers" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of dwell upon in Chinese and how to say dwell upon in Chinese? dwell upon Chinese meaning, dwell upon的中文,dwell upon的中文,dwell upon的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.