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disaffection in Chinese

How to pronounce "disaffection"Synonyms of "disaffection""disaffection" in a sentence"disaffection" meaning

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  • n.
    (尤指政治上的)不满,不平;厌恶;不服。 D- often leads to outright treason. 政治上的不满常常导致断然的背叛。


  • Bob dylan touched a nerve of disaffection .
  • Lack of food and supplies caused disaffection among the soldiers .
  • Will the disaffection of the young bring down the regime
  • Bob dylan touched a nerve of disaffection . he spoke of civil rights , nuclear fallout , and loneliness
  • River ' s lakes all flow toward the nautical mile , sea but disaffection ; river lake from where flow , still return where
  • Researchers found that the honeymoon period for newlyweds lasts less than five years and that disillusionment and disaffection often set in by the end of that period
  • You can say that he is a disaffection in the present condition ; can also say that he is to eats satisfied support to have no matter to fuck ; can also say , person ah , is an idle making the 贱 in fact
  • If a man can not as a gentle heart go regard own gain and loss , all day long detest the world and its ways , criticizes society unfair , resents life disaffection , so you and he together also can affect your mind , easily extreme , to your psychology result in great pressure , leads to you unpleasant joyful life


  • disloyalty to the government or to established authority; "the widespread disaffection of the troops"

  • the feeling of being alienated from other people
    Synonyms: alienation, estrangement,

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What is the meaning of disaffection in Chinese and how to say disaffection in Chinese? disaffection Chinese meaning, disaffection的中文disaffection的中文disaffection的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.