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destructibility in Chinese

How to pronounce "destructibility"Synonyms of "destructibility""destructibility" in a sentence"destructibility" meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 可被破坏性
  • 可破坏性
  • 破坏力
  • 破坏性


  • By international analysis , the author gives a concept of data message - a flexible and open concept , summarizes four features showing the notable difference between the data message evidence and traditional evidence , which are high - technicality , invisibility , easy - destructibility and complexity
    作者采用国际通行的解释给出了数据电文的概念- - - -一个非常有弹性、开放性的概念。总结了数据电文与传统文书资料截然不同的四个特征:高科技性、无形性、易破坏性、复合性。


  • vulnerability to destruction

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What is the meaning of destructibility in Chinese and how to say destructibility in Chinese? destructibility Chinese meaning, destructibility的中文destructibility的中文destructibility的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.