coweringly in Chinese
- coweringly
- adv.
- cower的变形
- cower
- ['kau?]
- vi.
- 蜷缩;畏缩;退缩:
- She cowered at the sight of a snake.
- 她见到蛇就退缩不前。
- [英国方言]弯腰屈膝,弯腰屈背地站着;蹲
- "cowerings" in Chinese : (cowering 的复数) v. 畏缩, 抖缩( cower的现在分词 ) ...
- "cowerers" in Chinese : [网络] 懦夫
- "cowers" in Chinese : v. 畏缩,抖缩( cower的第三人称单数 )
- "cowerer" in Chinese : vi. ; 蜷缩;畏缩;退缩: ; She cowered at the s ...
- "cowert" in Chinese : [网络] 电力
- "cowered" in Chinese : v. 畏缩,抖缩( cower的过去式 )
- "cowes week" in Chinese : [网络] 考斯帆船赛周;考斯帆船周;寇兹周帆船快艇大赛
- "cowessess" in Chinese : [网络] 塞斯
- "cower back" in Chinese : vi.畏缩,抖缩
Other Languages
- "coweringly" meaning: adverb
- "coweringly" meaning in Japanese: coweringlyおどおど
- "coweringly" meaning in Russian: Coweringly
- "coweringly" meaning in French: adv. par peur, terrifié par la peur, tremblé de peur
What is the meaning of coweringly in Chinese and how to say coweringly in Chinese? coweringly Chinese meaning, coweringly的中文,coweringly的中文,coweringly的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by