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cosmologic in Chinese

How to pronounce "cosmologic"Synonyms of "cosmologic""cosmologic" in a sentence"cosmologic" meaning

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  • 宇宙论的宇宙哲学的


  • pertaining to the branch of philosophy dealing with the elements and laws and especially the characteristics of the universe such as space and time and causality; "cosmologic philosophy"; "a cosmological argument is an argument that the universe demands the admission of an adequate external cause which is God"
    Synonyms: cosmological,

  • pertaining to the branch of astronomy dealing with the origin and history and structure and dynamics of the universe; "cosmologic science"; "cosmological redshift"; "cosmogonic theories of the origin of the universe"
    Synonyms: cosmological, cosmogonic, cosmogonical, cosmogenic,

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What is the meaning of cosmologic in Chinese and how to say cosmologic in Chinese? cosmologic Chinese meaning, cosmologic的中文cosmologic的中文cosmologic的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.