clubfoot in Chinese
plural: clubfeet
- 畸形足。
- "acquired clubfoot" in Chinese : 获得性内收足
- "clubfoot release" in Chinese : 畸形足松解术
- "clubfoot roller" in Chinese : 羊角碾
- "congenital clubfoot" in Chinese : 先天性畸形足
- "correction of clubfoot" in Chinese : 畸形足矫正术
- "paralytic clubfoot" in Chinese : 麻痹性足畸形
- "release of clubfoot" in Chinese : 畸形足松解术
- "bilateral congenital clubfoot" in Chinese : 先天性双侧畸形足
- "congenital clubfoot ccf" in Chinese : 先天性马蹄内翻足
- "congenital idiopathic clubfoot" in Chinese : 先天性特发性畸形足
- "idiopathic congenital clubfoot" in Chinese : 特发性先天性畸形足
- "soft tissue release for clubfoot" in Chinese : 软组织松解术用于畸形足
- "畸形足 (=clubfoot)。" in Chinese : clump foot
- "clube militar de macau" in Chinese : 陆军俱乐部
- "clube de regatas do flamengo" in Chinese : 法林明高; 弗拉门戈
- "clubfooted" in Chinese : adj. 畸形足的。
- Study smart orthosis for clubfoot
智能小儿马蹄脚治疗仪的研究 - Where ' s clubfoot going ? i thought we was dropping back down into mexico
那个怪物去哪里?我还以为我们要去墨西哥 - Records of molly ' s first few doctor visits as an infant show that she was " normal , " though born with a clubfoot and a lazy eye
莫利在婴儿时期医生的检查记录显示她很“正常” ,除了与生俱来的畸形足和弱视。 - Records of molly ' s first few doctor visits as an infant show that she was " normal , " though born with a clubfoot and a lazy eye
莫莉婴儿期的医生检查记录显示:莫莉虽然有一条腿畸形,且有一只眼睛弱视,基本属于“正常婴儿” 。
- Noun
- congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle and heel and toes
Synonyms: talipes,
Other Languages
- "clubfoot" meaning: Noun: clubfoot 'klúb`fût Congenital de...
- "clubfoot" meaning in Japanese: clubfoot内反足ないはんそく
- "clubfoot" meaning in Russian: 1) косолапость; изуродованная стопа
- "clubfoot" meaning in French: n. pied-bot
What is the meaning of clubfoot in Chinese and how to say clubfoot in Chinese? clubfoot Chinese meaning, clubfoot的中文,clubfoot的中文,clubfoot的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by