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chancre in Chinese

How to pronounce "chancre"Synonyms of "chancre""chancre" in a sentence"chancre" meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • n.


  • Syhilis, in its primary form, may produce a chancre on the lips .
  • Zoe in sudden alarm . you ve a hard chancre
  • A painless sore ( called a chancre ) appears at the site of infection approximately 10 - 90 days after contact
    接触病菌后10至90天,受感染部位会出现不痛的损口(俗称下疳) 。
  • Inspect yourself and your partner inspect yourself for a discharge , bumps , rashes , warts , blisters , chancres , sores , lice , or foul odors
    检视自己以及伴侣一旦有任何异常的分泌物、肿块、疹子、疣、水泡、下疳、疮、溃疡、 ?子或异味,你就必须做检验。


  • a small hard painless nodule at the site of entry of a pathogen (as syphilis)

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What is the meaning of chancre in Chinese and how to say chancre in Chinese? chancre Chinese meaning, chancre的中文chancre的中文chancre的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.