braids in Chinese
- 麻花辫
- "braid" in Chinese : n. 1.缏子,条带,编带,编织物。 2.发辫。 3.束 ...
- "theory of braids" in Chinese : 辫的理论
- "ribbed cotton elastic braids" in Chinese : 罗纹松紧带
- "braidwood" in Chinese : 布雷德伍德
- "braidotti" in Chinese : 布拉伊多蒂
- "braidwood dispatch" in Chinese : 布雷德伍德电讯
- "braido" in Chinese : 布拉伊多
- "braidy" in Chinese : 布雷迪
- "braidism" in Chinese : 催眠术
- "braier" in Chinese : 布拉耶
- "braidingmachine" in Chinese : 编组机
- "braiescu" in Chinese : 布勒耶斯库
- "braiding; hand-knit" in Chinese : 手编
- At that time i wore my hair in two braids .
那时我的头发梳两条辫子。 - Her braids hung down on her shoulders .
她的辫子下垂到肩头。 - Every word of the torah braided crowns for the godhead .
犹太经典上的每个字都在给上帝编织花冠。 - I saw myself with one braid and a slash where the other had been .
我看到自己只剩了一条辫子和另一条辫子的残根。 - He was flanked by two tall foreigners, magnificent in dark green uniforms and caps encrusted with gold braid .
他身边还有两个洋人,高高的个子,一身深绿色制服,帽沿上缀着金边,威风凛凛。 - A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands .
许多老人,有脸庞乌黑发亮梳着辫子的老妇人,有因劳瘁而致双手粗糙的老头儿,都过来跪在我们周围祈祷。 - Polyamide fibre ropes - double braid construction
聚酰胺纤维绳索.双层编织结构 - Fep insulated wire with glass or asbestos braid
氟化乙烯丙烯绝缘玻璃或石棉编织线 - A cord or braid worn as a fastening or an ornament
饰带用于固定或装饰的带或编带 - For real . i used to braid in the shop around the way
Other Languages
- "braids" meaning in Japanese: braids ブレード[化学]〈99L0212-2:繊維製品用語(衣料を除く繊維製品)―第2部: 繊維製インテリア製...
- "braids" meaning in Russian: Шнурки
"braid" in Chinese, "fabric braided" in Chinese, "braid reinforcement" in Chinese, "braided belt" in Chinese, "chintz braid" in Chinese, "braid phy" in Chinese, "wave braid" in Chinese, "fibrous braiding" in Chinese, "straw braid" in Chinese, "braiding; hand-knit" in Chinese, "braidingmachine" in Chinese, "braidism" in Chinese, "braido" in Chinese, "braidotti" in Chinese, "braidwood" in Chinese, "braidwood dispatch" in Chinese, "braidy" in Chinese, "braier" in Chinese,