bosun in Chinese
How to pronounce "bosun" Synonyms of "bosun" "bosun" in a sentence "bosun" meaning
Please don ' t forget to remind the bosun of the meeting 请不要忘记提醒水手长开会。 Legolas , fire a warning shot past the bosun ' s ear 力格拉斯,向水手长的耳朵射一箭示警 Tell the bosun to have both anchors stand - by 请告诉水手长准备双锚。 Without our bosun ' s permission , nothing can be done 没有我们水手长的同意,什么事也办不成。 Tell the bosun to have both anchors stand - by 请告诉水手长准备双锚 Are we ready to sail , bosun 水手长,我们准备开船了吗? The fog is quite heavy . bosun , please send one sailor to keep lookout at the bow 在所有的系缆绳上放置夹鼠板 The fog is quite heavy . bosun , please send one sailor to keep lookout at the bow 水手长,下大雾了。请派一名水手到船头了望。 Boatswain or bosun 水手长,帆缆上士
What is the meaning of bosun in Chinese and how to say bosun in Chinese? bosun Chinese meaning,
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