He was concerned about the recent blear in his vision . 他对他最近的视力模糊感到忧虑。
Tears bleared her eyes . 泪水糊住了她的眼睛。
The shopman lifted eyes bleared with old rheum . - sweets of sin , he said , tapping on it 摊主抬起那双被积下的眼屎弄得视力模糊的眼睛。
Blind puppy ! open their bleared lids and look on your own accursed senselessness 盲目的自命不凡者,睁开那双模糊的眼睛,瞧瞧你自己该死的糊涂劲儿吧!
Yet those same bleared optics had a strange , penetrating power , when it was their owner s purpose to read the human soul 然而正是这同一双昏花的烂眼,在一心接窥测他人的灵魂时,又具有那么奇特的洞察力。
He gorged himself habitually at table , which made him bilious , and gave him a dim and bleared eye and flabby cheeks 脸盘阔,五官粗,四肢肥,手膨大。还喜欢暴饮暴食,落得个肝火很旺,目光迟钝,两颊松弛。
And yesterday , perhaps believing she was acting in his best interests , hazel blears advised the prime minister to get out and have a " bit of fun " 昨天,哈泽尔?布利尔斯可能是出于一番好意,建议首相先生多出去走走,给自己“找点乐子” 。
The tall young man standing on the steps turned his bleared eyes from the tavern - keeper to the smiths , as though considering with which to fight 站在台阶上的高个儿小伙子瞪着浑浊的眼睛看看老板,又看看这几个铁匠,好像在考虑现在该同谁打架。
Asked by the bbc ' s andrew marr if it was true that mr brown was " shattered and ratty " , miss blears replied : " he ' s certainly not ratty . 英国广播公司的安德鲁?玛尔问及有关布朗首相“身体透支、脾气暴躁”的说法是否属实时,布利尔斯回答说: “脾气暴躁当然不会。 ”
The sharp ears were not pricked so sharply as he had seen them on other wolves ; the eyes were bleared and bloodshot , the head seemed to droop limply and forlornly 狼的两只尖耳朵不像他见过的别的狼那样能竖起来;狼眼睛布满血丝,浑浊无光,脑袋也有气无力地耷拉着。
What is the meaning of blear in Chinese and how to say blear in Chinese? blear Chinese meaning, blear的中文,blear的中文,blear的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.