belching in Chinese
- 打嗝
- 反酸
- 冒气
- 气水沸出
- 嗳气
- "belch" in Chinese : vi. 1.打嗝,呃逆。 2.态度蛮横地发出(叱咤等)。 ...
- "belching and discomfort" in Chinese : 嗳气不舒
- "belching and sighing" in Chinese : 嗳气太息
- "belching of gas" in Chinese : 呃气
- "belching well" in Chinese : 间歇井; 间歇生产井
- "excessive belching" in Chinese : 嗳气过度
- "increased belching" in Chinese : 嗳气增加
- "belching and vomiting of sour fluid" in Chinese : 嗳气吐酸
- "belching with fetid odour" in Chinese : 嗳腐
- "belching; eructation; ructus" in Chinese : 嗳气
- "belchin" in Chinese : 贝尔钦
- "belchikov" in Chinese : 别利奇科夫
- "belchier" in Chinese : 贝尔希耶
- "belchi" in Chinese : 贝尔奇
- "belcheva" in Chinese : 贝尔切娃
- Tall chimneys belch forth black smoke .
高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。 - Factories belch forth clouds of smoke .
工厂喷出团团烟雾。 - She paused, patted her breast, and belched .
她停了下来,拍拍胸脯,打了一个嗝。 - The houses belched people; the doorways spewed out children .
从各家茅屋里涌出一堆一堆的人群,从门口蹦出一群一群小孩。 - The cow gets rid of the gases formed in the rumen by belching at frequent intervals .
牛靠经常的打嗝以释放瘤胃中形成的气体。 - The tartars employed another weapon, the so-called chinese dragon belching fire .
鞑靼人使用了另一种武器,所谓中国龙喷火器。 - He sat up straight on the edge of the bed, held his breath, and issued a long, resonant belch .
他笔直地坐在床沿上,屏住呼吸打了一个大响嗝。 - I ' ll get it from you lat - - can you belch
好的,我会帮你搞齐最后一…会打嗝吗? - Loudspeakers belched out deafening pop music
扩音器里播放出震耳欲聋的流行音乐。 - Billows of smoke were belching from the chimney
- Noun
- a reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth
Synonyms: belch, burp, burping, eructation, - the forceful expulsion of something from inside; "the belching of smoke from factory chimneys"
Other Languages
- "belching" meaning: Noun: belching belching The forceful e...
- "belching" meaning in Japanese: {名} : おくび-------------------------------------------------...
- "belching" meaning in Russian: переброс Belching
"belch" in Chinese, "belch hiccup" in Chinese, "belching well" in Chinese, "belch out" in Chinese, "increased belching" in Chinese, "excessive belching" in Chinese, "belching and sighing" in Chinese, "belching and discomfort" in Chinese, "belching of gas" in Chinese, "belcheva" in Chinese, "belchi" in Chinese, "belchier" in Chinese, "belchikov" in Chinese, "belchin" in Chinese, "belching and vomiting of sour fluid" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of belching in Chinese and how to say belching in Chinese? belching Chinese meaning, belching的中文,belching的中文,belching的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by