amarna in Chinese
- n. (古埃及)阿马尔那;阿玛那
- "amarna tablets(or letters" in Chinese : 阿马纳版片
- "tele amarna tablets" in Chinese : 特勒亚马拿泥版
- "tell el amarna" in Chinese : 泰勒阿马尔奈
- "amarna style" in Chinese : [网络] 阿马纳型
- "amarmatic" in Chinese : vt.碎屑注入
- "amarnath" in Chinese : [网络] 阿马尔纳特;圣地阿马尔纳特;阿玛纳特
- "amarjits" in Chinese : [网络] 阿马吉特 ; (amarjit 的复数)
- "amarnthus argenta l." in Chinese : 青葙(本经)
- "amarjeets" in Chinese : [网络] 阿玛基 ; (amarjeet 的复数)
- "amarogentin i" in Chinese : 《英汉医学词典》amarogentin I ; 基龙胆酯苷
- "amarjeet" in Chinese : [网络] 阿玛基
- "amarone" in Chinese : [网络] 阿玛罗尼;阿马罗内;阿玛隆尼
- "amariya" in Chinese : [网络] 阿马利亚区;阿玛里亚;巴格达阿马里亚地区
- The relations between egypt and babylon in the amarna period
阿玛尔纳时代埃及与巴比伦的关系 - amarna tablets or letters
Other Languages
- "amarna" meaning in Russian: Амарна