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adoptability in Chinese

How to pronounce "adoptability""adoptability" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 采纳性


  • The paper explained that dynamic skin system bringing intelligent architectures completely new meaning and made a all - round expounding of fixer focus in intelligent architectures by introducing dynamic skin system providing extreme flexibility , adoptability and expansibility ( extensibility ) in highly dynamic architectural environment variety at present
  • Besides , the structure of the system for implementing the security management system in the client / server environment is also presented . the adoptability , ease usability and maintainability are primary characters of the method . the system also has properties of simple authorization and sound granularity control under the distributed environment

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What is the meaning of adoptability in Chinese and how to say adoptability in Chinese? adoptability Chinese meaning, adoptability的中文adoptability的中文adoptability的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.