yellowhammers in a sentence
- Hybrids between pine bunting and yellowhammer show a mixture of characters.
- Birds include yellowhammers, lesser whitethroats, dunnocks and song thrushes.
- There are birds such as turtle doves, yellowhammers and reed buntings.
- Fauna include otters, lapwings, yellowhammers and meadow pipits.
- Yellowhammers feed on the ground, usually in flocks outside the breeding season.
- Famous host drums include Black Lodge Singers, Cozad Singers, and Yellowhammer.
- Gorse provides a nesting site for birds such as the yellowhammer and whitethroat.
- The yellowhammer, an increasingly rare songbird in Ireland, is locally common.
- Downland and wetland birds include dipper, kingfisher, yellowhammer and tree pipit.
- The yellowhammer may carry haematozoan blood parasites such as " Haemoproteus coatneyi ".
- It's difficult to see yellowhammers in a sentence .
- The winter flocks of finches were lost, the yellowhammers disappeared, the skylarks nearly so.
- The male yellowhammer has a bright yellow head, streaked brown back, chestnut rump and yellow underparts.
- The pine bunting and yellowhammer are so closely related that each responds to the other's song.
- The Yellowhammer State can accurately be described as one of the more staunchly Republican states in the nation.
- The yellowhammer is common in open areas with some scrubs or trees, and forms small flocks in winter.
- The yellowhammer adds invertebrates to its diet in the breeding season, particularly as food for its growing chicks.
- Saddened, the Yellowhammers agree to Touchwood Senior's request that the young lovers receive a joint burial.
- The "'Alabama Hammers "'were a professional Yellowhammer, the state bird of Alabama.
- The brook is lined by sedges and water-cress, while breeding birds include yellowhammer and spotted flycatcher.
- Young and female yellowhammers can be distinguished from cirl buntings by the grey-brown rump of the latter species.
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