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wristband in a sentence

"wristband" in Chinese  "wristband" meaning  


  • The players needed to wear their Rolexes instead of cotton wristbands.
  • The Bug Off Wristband is like a flea collar for humans.
  • Bledsoe also will wear a wristband that lists the lengthier plays.
  • Wristbands can be removed only by Staples Center employee on Sunday.
  • At Ole Miss, he occasionally wore a headband and wristbands.
  • The accessory of the moment is a simple yellow rubber wristband.
  • For Steve Strompf, the wristband is a symbol of support.
  • Before each game, he pulled a wristband up each arm.
  • Velcro wristbands strap keys firmly to guests'bodies for safekeeping.
  • Parents could someday get wristbands for their children, Sadler suggested.
  • It's difficult to see wristband in a sentence .
  • His mother and eight siblings wear silver wristbands in his honor.
  • Women uncomfortable with the hijab were asked to wear wristbands instead.
  • The wristbands can be purchased at www . wearyellow . com.
  • Studded belts and black wristbands also became associated with emo fashion.
  • The wristbands also included the Dub Sessions remix album and photos.
  • All of these wristbands are made from the same silicone material.
  • The wristband is water-resistant, with a rechargeable battery.
  • Tickets and wristbands are sold to the rides and the games.
  • They give out wristbands to help raise awareness for their cause.
  • He wears a velvet coat with a white collar and wristbands.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define wristband in a sentence and how is the word wristband used in a sentence and examples? wristband造句, wristband造句, 用wristband造句, wristband meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.