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wimshurst machine in a sentence

"wimshurst machine" in Chinese  "wimshurst machine" meaning  


  • It was not till 1883 that the Wimshurst machine was more fully reported to the scientific community.
  • To these predecessors, Wimshurst made many modifications with the result known as the Holtz-Wimshurst machine.
  • Pidgeon machines are a combination of a Wimshurst Machine and Voss Machine, with special features adapted to reduce the amount of charge leakage.
  • A typical Wimshurst machine can produce sparks that are about a third of the disc's diameter in length and several tens of microamperes.
  • For example, visitors can generate a 60, 000 volt spark with a Wimshurst machine and challenge family members to a game of Mindball.
  • In a Wimshurst machine, the two insulated discs and their metal sectors rotate in opposite directions passing the crossed metal neutralizer bars and their brushes.
  • :: : By the way, the multiple repeated transfer of charge described by Edison is the basis of the Wimshurst machine which essentially automates this process.
  • The business continued to buy and sell scientific equipment through the 1920s, especially electrical equipment such as Wimshurst machines ( devices for creating a high voltage ).
  • Henry Wimshurst was the father of James Wimshurst, a late-19th century inventor who developed the Wimshurst machine and an early device for generating X-rays.
  • This multilevel exhibit features a water vapor tornado, tsunami tank, Tesla coil, heliostat system, and a Wimshurst machine built by James Wimshurst in the late 19th century.
  • It's difficult to see wimshurst machine in a sentence .
  • :: : : In the latest edition of " Make " magazine ( which I strongly recommend to any tinkerers ) there are complete instructions for building a Wimshurst machine.
  • The electrophorus is thus actually a manually operated electrostatic generator, using the same principle of electrostatic induction as electrostatic machines such as the Wimshurst machine and the Van de Graaff generator.
  • If its a Wimshurst machine or Van de Graaf generator these will have a high output resistance and so the capacitor should be connected from the output to earth forming the RC circuit to store up the energy.
How can I put and write and define wimshurst machine in a sentence and how is the word wimshurst machine used in a sentence and examples? wimshurst machine造句, wimshurst machine造句, 用wimshurst machine造句, wimshurst machine meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.