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unwearied in a sentence

"unwearied" in Chinese  "unwearied" meaning  


  • He was steadfast in his principles and unwearied in industry.
  • Carneades is described as a man of unwearied industry.
  • I recollect with emotions of affection and gratitude her unwearied solicitude for my health and happiness ."
  • Fleming was an unwearied writer of argumentative and combative pamphlets, the greater part of them being anonymous.
  • His vast learning was the result of a powerful memory and unwearied industry, but he lacked creative imagination.
  • "He was a man of great quickness of perception, great energy of purpose, and unwearied industry.
  • He was an unwearied student of music, but devoted himself more to the theory than to the practice of his art.
  • Rodriguez dazzles Ingwaldson with rapid-fire combinations, but the American is undaunted, unwearied and carries a surprisingly long right cross.
  • Notwithstanding his unwearied industry and an integrity of character which won universal respect, it is understood that Aldis was far from prosperous.
  • The Amnesty Bill, passed on 19 December, chiefly through his unwearied advocacy, went far to smooth down the acerbity of the preceding years.
  • It's difficult to see unwearied in a sentence .
  • He was a man of unwearied industry and immense learning, but he lacked the persistency to carry out the vast literary schemes he had planned.
  • On one hand he regarded commerce as " unexpectedly confident and serene, adventurous, and unwearied " and expressed admiration for its associated cosmopolitanism, writing:
  • To something of Hood he added qualities of his own which lent his work distinction in no wise diminished by his unwearied endeavour after directness and simplicity.
  • Richard Dillingham dealt out medicines, and was unwearied in his attentions to his fellow prisoners, many of whom he saw die and be buried in one day.
  • He also said his uncle, " & possessed an inquiring and speculative intellect, and was an unwearied observer and experimenter in agriculture, medicine, and natural history ."
  • On his resignation in 1810 the Board recorded that Killaly had'conducted himself with the most unwearied assiduity and the most perfect and unimpeached integrity'during his service to the company.
  • He not only defended the church at the bar of the court of session, but in private councils, in committees, deputations, and publications he was unwearied on her behalf.
  • Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey gave thanks for the Queen Mother's " example of faithful duty and unwearied service, and for the loyalty and love which she inspired ."
  • He was an accurate observer and unwearied collector of zoological materials, gifted with remarkable descriptive power, and possessed of a clear, vigorous style, but somewhat deficient in deep philosophic insight.
  • Such experiences convinced him that far more was needed on the spiritual side in the Chaplains'department, and he began a long and unwearied bombardment of the authorities ( military and ecclesiastical ).
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define unwearied in a sentence and how is the word unwearied used in a sentence and examples? unwearied造句, unwearied造句, 用unwearied造句, unwearied meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.