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tweedy in a sentence

"tweedy" in Chinese  "tweedy" meaning  


  • His hair flows below his shoulders; he wears tweedy jackets.
  • It gives it almost a tweedy look without the heavy weight.
  • Their posture is prim, their clothes tweedy and buttoned up.
  • Like tweedy undergraduate students, they have a knack for loafing.
  • "Just a little bit, " says Tweedy.
  • For the encore, Tweedy dug into the Uncle Tupelo songbook.
  • The photographer Sam Jones appears to be with the Tweedy program.
  • Farrar and Tweedy met as freshman at Belleville West High School.
  • But Tweedy often writes in a language that barely approaches English.
  • Maurer was married to the former Ethel Virginia Tweedy of Virginia.
  • It's difficult to see tweedy in a sentence .
  • Besides being a solo rapper, Tweedy is also a producer.
  • Jeff Tweedy is the vocalist on all of these cover versions.
  • Diamond sales reflect the performance of the world economy, Tweedy said.
  • Even the tweedy integrity of " Face the Nation,"
  • It was somebody with a tweedy jacket and elbow patches.
  • In the agreement, Tweedy Browne will retain operational autonomy.
  • He wore a tweedy tan jacket with black pants and no tie.
  • A pillar like Tweedy, Browne will attract other managers,
  • Panicked, Tweedy fell to the ground, then stood.
  • Tweedy, Browne estimates its intrinsic value at $ 100.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define tweedy in a sentence and how is the word tweedy used in a sentence and examples? tweedy造句, tweedy造句, 用tweedy造句, tweedy meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.