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trypanosome in a sentence

"trypanosome" in Chinese  "trypanosome" meaning  


  • "The trypanosome's Achilles'heel,"
  • In addition, species from other Trypanosome " Trypanosoma chabaudi"
  • The flies carry a parasite, the trypanosome, from human to human.
  • trypanosome, " Trypanosoma cruzi ", which causes Chagas Disease.
  • For that reason, it may be a quorum sensing molecule for the trypanosome parasite.
  • In the case of trypanosome infection, tryptophol decreases the immune response of the host.
  • This means a good indicator of disease would be looking at trypanosome density in capillary blood and connective tissue.
  • The trypanosome haptoglobin-hemoglobin receptor is an elongated three a-helical bundle with a small membrane distal head.
  • What's interesting about trypanosome parasites, he said, is that they don't precisely obey the dogma.
  • Structural differences between mammalian and trypanosome 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase have allowed for the development of selective inhibitors of the enzyme.
  • It's difficult to see trypanosome in a sentence .
  • The association HPR with haemoglobin allows TLF-1 binding and uptake via the trypanosome haptoglobin-hemoglobin receptor ( TbHpHbR ).
  • Chaga's disease is caused by a trypanosome carried by a blood sucking insect found in tropical, palm growing regions.
  • For sleeping sickness, eflornithine is the only drug besides melarsoprol that is able to kill the parasite trypanosome after it has invaded the brain.
  • Infected flies have an altered salivary composition which lowers feeding efficiency and consequently increases the feeding time, promoting trypanosome transmission to the vertebrate host.
  • Although its intracellular function has not been elucidated, apoL1 circulating in plasma has the ability to kill the trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei that causes sleeping sickness.
  • This HDL subfraction, termed trypanosome lytic factor ( TLF ), contains specialized proteins that, while very active, are unique to the TLF molecule.
  • Detection of trypanosome-specific antibodies can be used for diagnosis, but the sensitivity and specificity of these methods are too variable to be used alone for clinical diagnosis.
  • For example, the African Trypanosome parasites are able to clear the host's antibodies, as well as resist lysis and inhibit parts of the innate immune response.
  • However, since the sexual phase of the trypanosome lifecycle occurs within the tsetse host, biological transmission is a required step in the lifecycle of the tsetse-vectored trypanosomes.
  • The trypanosome parasite, the cause of African sleeping sickness, and the gonorrhea bacterium each use an elegantly designed system of gene shuffling to create a wardrobe of a thousand coats.
  • More Sentences:  1  2
How can I put and write and define trypanosome in a sentence and how is the word trypanosome used in a sentence and examples? trypanosome造句, trypanosome造句, 用trypanosome造句, trypanosome meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.