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trebuchet in a sentence

"trebuchet" in Chinese  "trebuchet" meaning  


  • As societies advanced, so did the trebuchet's design.
  • Among the most common were the ballista, mangonel and trebuchet.
  • They were used to defend mobile trebuchets that hurled fire bombs.
  • These batteries were gradually replaced with trebuchets and early gunpowder machines.
  • By the end of the game, you really want a trebuchet.
  • The use of the counterweight trebuchet by the Mongols proved especially effective.
  • These Muslim engineers built mangonels and trebuchets for the siege.
  • The towers contained platforms on which trebuchets could be placed.
  • Fire arrows and bombs were used to destroy Jin trebuchets.
  • They were skilled in siegecraft and could construct trebuchets and siege towers.
  • It's difficult to see trebuchet in a sentence .
  • Trebuchets were used in sieges from the early 13th century.
  • In the Middle Ages, the trebuchet was developed.
  • The Chinese responded by building their own counterweight trebuchets.
  • However, Song had expected a trebuchet siege, and made preparations beforehand.
  • The Mongols also utilized siege crossbows and traction trebuchets.
  • In the films, the towers of Minas Tirith are equipped with trebuchets.
  • The trebuchet is very amusing; it's not dangerous at all.
  • Siege weapons include ballistae, catapults, and trebuchets.
  • Each was delivered via trebuchet or by other means.
  • Is there any precedent for trebuchets built this way?
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define trebuchet in a sentence and how is the word trebuchet used in a sentence and examples? trebuchet造句, trebuchet造句, 用trebuchet造句, trebuchet meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.