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succinctly in a sentence

"succinctly" in Chinese  "succinctly" meaning  


  • The case for indefinite extension can be stated succinctly and convincing,
  • Back in July of'94, Wilson put it succinctly:
  • Tim Brown sifted through the trade talk, clearly and succinctly.
  • Rep . Nydia M . Velazquez succinctly boiled down prevailing sentiment.
  • Succinctly put, I know two things for sure : 1.
  • What benefits will the developments he describes here so succinctly yield?
  • Chris Hoiles succinctly summed up the Baltimore Orioles'1998 season.
  • Many of the best names are those that succinctly describe products.
  • Attorneys for both sides argued the issues succinctly and with vigor.
  • His research colleague, Anitesh Barua, put it more succinctly.
  • It's difficult to see succinctly in a sentence .
  • More succinctly, the Cowboys need to block and run better.
  • Neville Clarence succinctly sums up the transformation that changed his life.
  • Seaborg learned to state his questions to Oppenheimer quickly and succinctly.
  • This eponymous law is stated succinctly by Lee Anne Fennell as:
  • These few words succinctly express the missionary nature of the Church"
  • The main purpose was succinctly set out in the following preamble:
  • :: This sums up succinctly my thoughts on the matter.
  • Thank you for proving my points about your comments so succinctly.
  • He / she seems well educated, balanced and writes succinctly.
  • Coldplay have learned to make their point a little more succinctly.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define succinctly in a sentence and how is the word succinctly used in a sentence and examples? succinctly造句, succinctly造句, 用succinctly造句, succinctly meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.