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storage device in a sentence

"storage device" in Chinese  "storage device" meaning  


  • Current plans for network computers don't include any storage device at all.
  • USB Mass Storage devices can be attached without any need for drivers.
  • The IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device was introduced in June 1980.
  • Block storage devices store data in chunks with a maximum fixed length.
  • Data General, based in Westboro, Massachusetts, makes computer servers and storage devices.
  • Human cells package their genetic instructions in rod-shaped storage devices called chromosomes.
  • Now I wish Autorun can be enabled for specific removable storage devices.
  • Files may be allocated anywhere across any and all mass storage devices.
  • Information Storage Devices Inc . fell 2 1 / 4 to 8.
  • Siemens plans to keep making a low-end storage device, Schweikl said.
  • It's difficult to see storage device in a sentence .
  • Zygo's products are used to make computer chips and storage devices.
  • While exploring the Ruin Ring, Joshua finds a memory storage device.
  • Much of that will be for the data storage devices themselves.
  • Often applied with a thermal battery or thermal energy storage devices.
  • It can also be used as a USB file storage device.
  • EMC is among the world's leading suppliers of computer storage devices.
  • The Louisville-based company sells disk drives and other data storage devices.
  • Zitel gets almost all of its revenue from making computer disk storage devices.
  • Much about storage devices is familiar territory to any computer user.
  • Any storage device must have its medium structured to be useful.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define storage device in a sentence and how is the word storage device used in a sentence and examples? storage device造句, storage device造句, 用storage device造句, storage device meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.