snail in a sentence
- It had a snail headboard and snail rugs and snail chairs.
- It had a snail headboard and snail rugs and snail chairs.
- It had a snail headboard and snail rugs and snail chairs.
- Phone calls to champion snail darters on bagels with cream cheese.
- Snails and slugs have tender skin that shreds and tears easily.
- Houck advises gardeners to take advantage of snails'nocturnal habits.
- Government scientists are stumped about how to deal with the snails.
- Some chemicals may kill snails, but they also kill fish,
- Snail's pace winding up the hill to the stadium.
- They have faxes, e-mail and snail mail too.
- It's difficult to see snail in a sentence .
- The probable answer is, at a snail's pace.
- Now these killer snails are being studied for their medicinal value.
- And there was a ready market for the tasty marine snails.
- Enforcement of the law proceeds at a snail's pace.
- The principal gave me a snail, and I still have.
- The sharp edges of the remains cut the slugs and snails.
- Q : How did you prepare for the part of Snails?
- Winners are being notified _ by snail mail, of course.
- Even Voltaire decapitated a snail to see its head grow back.
- Pig manure keeps away snails, farmers in Laos have discovered.
How can I put and write and define snail in a sentence and how is the word snail used in a sentence and examples? snail造句, snail造句, 用snail造句, snail meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by