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sadistically in a sentence

"sadistically" in Chinese  "sadistically" meaning  


  • Boring and sadistically violent, the film trails off into nowhere.
  • She is portrayed as haughty, abusive, and sadistically cruel.
  • Apart from a minority who were psychopathically or sadistically inclined,
  • Erika sadistically torments a female student who also has a domineering mother.
  • The Redeemers were ambushed by Graviton and several members were sadistically murdered.
  • He sadistically attacks Owen / Oskar every chance he gets.
  • An unremittingly savage evocation of life sadistically crushed under a totalitarian boot heel,
  • She was convicted of sadistically killing her own stepchildren.
  • Zack looks directly at the camera and smiles sadistically.
  • When he witnesses the group sadistically murdering a tracker, he decides to escape.
  • It's difficult to see sadistically in a sentence .
  • Kenny smiles sadistically and covers the crying baby's face with his hand.
  • Wayans plays it so sadistically its hard to find any humor in the malicious spectacle.
  • Most had been abused sexually and sadistically.
  • You feel bad, period, or you just laugh sadistically at the whole thing.
  • A mercilessly uncompromising, sadistically funny achievement.
  • But at night Tessa executes her revenge plan and sedates Cyril and sadistically penectomises him.
  • But at night Malini executes her revenge plan and sedates Varun and sadistically penectomises him.
  • Brett has convinced the parents that the teens have been sadistically murdered by Jenny and Steve.
  • He was sadistically brutal, hitting the natives and punishing prisoners at will for slight reasons.
  • After Sheehy sadistically boasts that he knows all about him, Garda McBride is shot dead.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define sadistically in a sentence and how is the word sadistically used in a sentence and examples? sadistically造句, sadistically造句, 用sadistically造句, sadistically meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.