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sable in a sentence

"sable" in Chinese  "sable" meaning  


  • That engine is standard on the Taurus GL and Sable GS.
  • _The sales targets for the Taurus / Sable are lofty.
  • You just can't satisfy everybody with Sables and Cougars.
  • Moreover, the strategic value of the Sable project is huge.
  • In the middle, Ford has jiggered Taurus / Sable pricing.
  • The same phenomenon was recognized this century with the Siberian sable.
  • Some manufacturers offer flat sable brushes two or four inches wide.
  • When the Cape Sable sparrow is flooded, we are flooded.
  • LXGA : Same as above, with Sable as the commissioner.
  • There were cropped sable vests and an alligator mini, too.
  • It's difficult to see sable in a sentence .
  • Her car had rammed the trunk of the Sable behind me.
  • The Sable had left its frolt ( cumper on the pavement.
  • The federation claims it created the sex-kitten Sable image.
  • The crew, using engine power, proceeded toward Cape Sable.
  • Even more expensive are red sable brushes ( weasel hair ).
  • Sable means black so the castle is coloured black in outline.
  • The Sable was introduced in December 1985 as a 1986 model.
  • However, a small force remains under Sable's command.
  • Cape Sable Island is also prone to bouts of thick fog.
  • Crest : on a wreath and sable, a wyvern proper.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define sable in a sentence and how is the word sable used in a sentence and examples? sable造句, sable造句, 用sable造句, sable meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.