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rotarians in a sentence

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  • No word on any sightings of Optimists, Rotarians or Kiwanians.
  • They could have been Rotarians or lawyers attending a legal convention.
  • You'd be surprised at how those Rotarians could spell.
  • Also present at the dinner was Rotarian Dr Chew Hon Nam.
  • Rotarians from many other districts participate and contribute to this project.
  • Nice People : Rotarians, above all, are nice people.
  • As a Rotarian and community leader Bruce has garnered numerous awards.
  • He was Rotarian of the Year for his club in 2008.
  • The senator said he is a moderate, Labriola told the Rotarians.
  • And they have won near-Rotarian status for themselves.
  • It's difficult to see rotarians in a sentence .
  • On welfare, Bullock told the Rotarians that major changes are needed.
  • About 20 Rotarians from Massachusetts and New Hampshire had planned to attend.
  • Andrea Aldinger, another Rotarian, recruited the calendar men.
  • Ramos-Horta told an audience of Rotarians in Sydney.
  • In Casino, he opened a general practice and became a Rotarian.
  • Children and other close relatives of Rotarians are not eligible.
  • He was a Rotarian and a member of the Knights of Columbus.
  • Gardiner was a Rotarian and made a number of large charitable endowments.
  • Rotarian Sy Mahfuz said as he waited for Forbes.
  • Forbes tells the Nashua Rotarians as he explains his 17 percent flat tax.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define rotarians in a sentence and how is the word rotarians used in a sentence and examples? rotarians造句, rotarians造句, 用rotarians造句, rotarians meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.