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rational in a sentence

"rational" in Chinese  "rational" meaning  


  • Now, people are realizing they need to be more rational.
  • -- Health care spending should be managed through rational planning.
  • Real peace will come only with a rational government in Baghdad.
  • He has his own mind, but his thinking is rational.
  • Where did rational, civil processes with this family get lost?
  • At times it provides a more rational environment than other places.
  • Meanwhile, there are rational explanations for this seemingly irrational behavior.
  • It would be the rational and the resolute use of force.
  • It's not fair and it's not rational.
  • "But that doesn't address the rational basis.
  • It's difficult to see rational in a sentence .
  • "There hasn't been a rational detention policy.
  • Any statement I make right now might not be very rational.
  • It is shameful to maintain a disparity with no rational basis.
  • "Why ? " a rational person might ask.
  • Can't we find a rational middle ground in this?
  • It was a very sensible, rational decision at the time.
  • We want to present ( testimony ) in a rational sense,
  • It's not a rational thing to do ."
  • "There's nothing rational about this ."
  • No amount of right doctrine or rational truth can remove aloneness.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define rational in a sentence and how is the word rational used in a sentence and examples? rational造句, rational造句, 用rational造句, rational meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.