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primary in a sentence

"primary" in Chinese  "primary" meaning  


  • With the primary elections over, the gubernatorial campaigns of Gov.
  • Chaffee blew on May 26, the day before the primary.
  • Voter turnout in primaries already held around the country is down.
  • Victory in a Democratic primary here was always tantamount to election.
  • Both are among the primary witnesses expected to testify this week.
  • Engler, who was unopposed in the primary, said Wednesday.
  • I want to cite the regulating agency as the primary source.
  • "It's a wide open primary ."
  • However, the primary symptom of the yuppie flu is fatigue.
  • This program is treating primary health-care problems with doctors.
  • It's difficult to see primary in a sentence .
  • In California, the primary prey for mountain lions is deer.
  • At Primary Stages, 354 West 45th Street, New York.
  • When I came to London, lending was our primary activity,
  • She supported the speaker in last month's Democratic primary.
  • The Democratic primary that fall was almost a replay of 1978.
  • Instead, he ran for governor and lost in the primary.
  • The 400 CX's primary drawback is its processor speed.
  • One of the primary themes in this country today is ridicule.
  • All the action was in the spring primaries, residents said.
  • His primary achievements in the Senate have been education-related.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define primary in a sentence and how is the word primary used in a sentence and examples? primary造句, primary造句, 用primary造句, primary meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.