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pacific 10 in a sentence


  • Stanford won the Pacific 10 basketball title this year and last.
  • Conference USA, Missouri Valley, Pacific 10, Southeastern, Southwest,
  • The West Coast's Pacific 10 is also sending four teams.
  • Another tough-to-figure game in the underachieving Pacific 10.
  • Surprising Washington State has jumped into the Pacific 10 race.
  • Pacific 10 commissioner Thomas Hansen said . . ..
  • He wasn't even All-Pacific 10.
  • Southern California is doomed to the Pacific 10 cellar.
  • __ A toast to the Pacific 10.
  • Stanford still has a chance to get a piece of the Pacific 10 title.
  • It's difficult to see pacific 10 in a sentence .
  • The Ducks were picked to finish in the lower half of the Pacific 10.
  • The Trojans use a victory here to contend for the Pacific 10 Conference title.
  • Oregon demolishes the Wildcats as it begins its defense of its Pacific 10 title.
  • We the Pacific 10 Conference get squat.
  • In the Pacific 10, UCLA plays Southern California, while Washington plays Washington State.
  • Oregon demolishes the Sun Devils as it begins its defense of its Pacific 10 title.
  • Both are unbeaten in the Pacific 10.
  • We play as hard as ( the Pacific 10 Conference ) will let us play,
  • Arizona has the Pacific 10's best defense and a dangerous runner in Trung Canidate.
  • Oregon leads the Pacific 10, a game ahead of Oregon State, Washington and Arizona.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
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