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pacifastacus in a sentence

"pacifastacus" in Chinese  


  • Recently there have been regular sitings of the invasive signal crayfish, " Pacifastacus leniusculus ", in the brook.
  • The three species commonly imported to Europe from the Americas are " Orconectes limosus ", " Pacifastacus leniusculus " and " Procambarus clarkii ".
  • Like " Pacifastacus leniusculus ", another invasive North American crayfish, " O . limosus " carries crayfish plague and is a threat to native European crayfish.
  • The population of the endangered European freshwater crayfish in the river and its tributaries has practically disappeared owing to the introduction of the North American signal crayfish ( " Pacifastacus leniusculus " ).
  • There are trout in the river, but the population of the endangered European freshwater crayfish in the river has practically disappeared owing to the introduction of the North American signal crayfish ( " Pacifastacus leniusculus " ).
  • The Environmental Agency ( now Ministry of Environment ) of Japan added it as a vulnerable species ( American crayfish " Pacifastacus leniusculus ", which was imported in the 20th century and has steadily proliferated in northern Japan.
  • However, others such as the eastern grey squirrel " ( Sciurus carolinensis ) ", signal crayfish " ( Pacifastacus leniusculus ) ", and Japanese knotweed " ( Fallopia japonica ) " have had a severe impact both economically and ecologically.
  • A further five members, SGPI-1 to 5, were then isolated from " Schistocerca gregaria " ( desert locust ), and a heterodimeric serine protease inhibitor was isolated from the haemolymph of " Pacifastacus leniusculus " ( Signal crayfish ), and named pacifastin.
  • After working for the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group she worked for Cobham Resource Consultants, later part of the Scott Wilson Group, as an ecological consultant, where her interests in the white clawed crayfish, " Austropotamobius pallipes " and signal crayfish, " Pacifastacus leniusculus " began.
  • It's difficult to see pacifastacus in a sentence .
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