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original in a sentence

"original" in Chinese  "original" meaning  


  • Q : How many originals of the Declaration of Independence exist?
  • Once upon a time, Tinseltown did have a true original.
  • Among them all, the musicians wrote over 30 original songs.
  • Original investors are dividing the money invested by those after them.
  • Everybody knows the Greenville Doe's is the original anyway.
  • Three-day tickets to the original festival cost $ 18.
  • Lipton Original All Natural Diet Iced Tea, Natural Lemon Flavor.
  • Some of the original Woodstock tickets have Wallkill printed on them.
  • Workers stay at their original company and do their normal jobs.
  • The bill should have been easily passed in its original form.
  • It's difficult to see original in a sentence .
  • The networks primarily want to come out with original entertainment programs.
  • Selig's original deadline to cancel the season passed Friday.
  • After impact, the seat returns to its original reclined position.
  • The original shows Pinkett and Payne in a poignantly romantic embrace.
  • His second act greatly expands the original's social survey.
  • The original idea of specialized plates was to signify something extraordinary,
  • But no one who used the original furniture ever did that,
  • The shorter the original story, the more complete the adaptation.
  • Hillegass's 16 original Cliffs Notes were all Shakespearean works.
  • My idea was to get it back to the original plans.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define original in a sentence and how is the word original used in a sentence and examples? original造句, original造句, 用original造句, original meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.