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not in excess of in a sentence

"not in excess of" in Chinese  


  • CNC offers small class sizes, not in excess of 37 students, as mandated by their faculty agreement.
  • Public agencies, finding homes for waiting children, charge either no fee, or not in excess of $ 500.
  • They mostly handle small claims civil cases ( disputes not in excess of ?, 400, 000 ), as well as minor criminal offenses.
  • Joint-Stock Land Banks are limited to the issue of Farm Loan Bonds not in excess of fifteen times the amount of their capital and surplus.
  • The prisoner may regrow a beard, though not in excess of one inch, or shorter than the rabbi's beard now is, his lawyer said.
  • Growth did not really hit the area until the late 1950s and until then the student body of the Wheatland High School was not in excess of 100 students.
  • Provided that no hazard exists that requires lower speed, the speed of any vehicle not in excess of the limit is deemed to be " prima facie " lawful.
  • Except in the case of amounts attributable to ( and not in excess of ) deductions allowed under section 213 ( relating to medical, etc ., expenses ) for any prior taxable year, gross income does not include
  • Although not in excess of three in 24 hours this is repeated insertion of the same content against consensus after lengthy prior discussion here and several reminders on talk . talk ) 05 : 38, 14 July 2014 ( UTC)
  • The remaining $ 4, 000 is covered by a note, secured by a lien upon the property, which matures in February, 1917, with privilege of extension for a term not in excess of three years from its date.
  • It's difficult to see not in excess of in a sentence .
  • A slightly different procedure is provided for in the event the majority party wins more than two-thirds of the vote for governor, which limits each minority party to a number of seats not in excess of its proportionate share of its vote for governor ( excluding rounding differences ).
  • See Commissioner v . Shamberg's Estate, 144 F . 2d 998, 1002 ( CA2 1944 ), ( " In the compact . . . the states agreed to make annual appropriations ( not in excess of $ 100, 000 for each state ) for expenses of the Authority until ( r ) evenues from its operations were sufficient to meet its expenses.
  • Acts which, in law, are a valid exercise of powers conferred by the articles may nevertheless be entirely outside what can fairly be regarded as having been in the contemplation of the parties when they became members of the company; and in such cases the fact that what has been done is not in excess of power will not necessarily be an answer to a claim for winding up.
  • Any area classified as   rural  or a   rural area  prior to October 1, 1990, and determined not to be   rural  or a   rural area  as a result of data received from or after the 1990, 2000, or 2010 decennial census, and any area deemed to be a   rural area  at any time during the period beginning January 1, 2000, and ending December 31, 2010, shall continue to be so classified until the receipt of data from the decennial census in the year 2020, if such area has a population in excess of 10, 000 but not in excess of 35, 000, is rural in character, and has a serious lack of mortgage credit for lower and moderate-income families.
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