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mikhail frunze in a sentence

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  • The districts are generally named for Mikhail Frunze, a Bolshevik leader.
  • Primary advocates of this development included Alexander Andreyevich Svechin, Mikhail Frunze, and Tukhachevsky.
  • He was wounded in the head and in the hospital met Mikhail Frunze.
  • Mikhail Frunze, Vasily Chapaev and Georgy Zhukov participated in the defence.
  • It was also called the " Frunzenka " after Mikhail Frunze, one of Bolshevik army leaders.
  • Named after Semyon Budyonny, it was also known as the " frunzenka " after Mikhail Frunze.
  • In 1973, he graduated from Mikhail Frunze Leningrad Command College of Railroad Troops and Military Communications.
  • In 1924 his position as Trotsky's deputy was taken over by Grigory Zinoviev's ally Mikhail Frunze.
  • Mikhail Frunze presents divisional commander Pavel Dybenko with an honorary revolutionary red banner in Crimea in 1921
  • In 1947 he graduated from the Baku naval preparatory school, then studied at the Higher Naval College named Mikhail Frunze.
  • It's difficult to see mikhail frunze in a sentence .
  • In 1926, the city was given the name " Frunze ", after the Bolshevik military leader Mikhail Frunze, who was born there.
  • Soon after, Dicescu, along with other Romanians, joined the Soviet Army led by Mikhail Frunze, being tasked with setting up international detachments.
  • Mikhail Frunze, a high-ranked soviet officer, Civil war veteran was among the first to use a new name, naming his son Timur.
  • Mikhail Frunze, an important leader of the October Revolution, and Kliment Voroshilov, a Marshal of the Soviet Union, are among the group behind Atat黵k.
  • Defense ministers who had served in the Politburo are Leon Trotsky, Mikhail Frunze, Kliment Voroshilov, Nikolai Bulganin, Georgy Zhukov and Dmitry Ustinov among others.
  • He had replaced Mikhail Frunze, a brilliant organiser, largely responsible for the peace-time development of the Red Army, badly neglected by Leon Trotsky, his predecessor.
  • During one month, the territories of Bukhara were conquered by the revolutionary forces, with the help of the Red Army contingent led by Mikhail Frunze.
  • On 2 September 1920, an army of well-disciplined and well equipped Red Army troops under the command of Bolshevik general Mikhail Frunze attacked the city.
  • A surge in the activities of the leftist Young Bukharians movement in August 1920 prompted Red Army commander Mikhail Frunze to act in their support.
  • The College reopened in 1918 to train officers for the new Red Navy between 1926 and 1998 the school was named in honour of Mikhail Frunze.
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