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matrixes in a sentence

"matrixes" in Chinese  


  • A sign commands, " Enter the Matrix ."
  • The bed was a matrix of poles covered with corn husks.
  • Many workers were referred to Matrix by social-service agencies.
  • A 386SX with a dot matrix printer and 9600 baud modem,
  • It has an agreement with Dutch management software provider Matrix Software.
  • Screens that use the TFT technology are often called active matrix.
  • The social matrix the Walkers inhabit feels similarly cursory in tone.
  • "matrix " or " membrane ."
  • Matrix closed up 19 cents yesterday at $ 2.63.
  • "The Matrix " was criticized as gratuitously ultraviolent.
  • It's difficult to see matrixes in a sentence .
  • They were supposed to see " The Matrix ."
  • Matrix offers computer-based training free to its contract workers.
  • Matrix has added a third chemical to the mix _ epinephrine.
  • What about that " Matrix " sweep, huh?
  • I must be trapped in ` the Matrix . "'
  • He explained how the " synchronization matrix " works.
  • "The Matrix " ( 1999 ); 67.
  • They form a matrix of moving tissue just under the skin.
  • _The Toyota version of the Vibe, the 2002 Matrix.
  • None of it appears on the first " Matrix"
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define matrixes in a sentence and how is the word matrixes used in a sentence and examples? matrixes造句, matrixes造句, 用matrixes造句, matrixes meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.