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manganese ore in a sentence

"manganese ore" in Chinese  


  • During 1850 and 1926 manganese ore was mined in 80 mine workings.
  • This area is mineral rich-surrounded by iron ore and Manganese ore mines.
  • Also in 2006 it developed manganese ore mines at Shivarajpur in Panchmahals.
  • Billiton is the world's top producer of chrome and manganese ores and alloys.
  • The manifest said the cargo included 200 cases of manganese ore.
  • The most important manganese ore is pyrolusite ( MnO 2 ).
  • However, manganese ore exports remained depressed due to recession in the steel industry.
  • It occurs in iron-manganese ore deposits and their related skarns.
  • The alloys are produced from manganese ore and coke in an electric arc furnace.
  • In 1908 he took a post in Bombay analysing manganese ores and assaying gold.
  • It's difficult to see manganese ore in a sentence .
  • Koira has abundant deposits of iron ore and manganese ore.
  • Konongo Gold Mine : Konongo manganese ores deposits have manganese content of 19.7 %.
  • The Hongjia Mountain ( ) and Jianding Mountain ( ) contain the manganese ore.
  • The district also produced byproduct bismuth, and iron-manganese ore.
  • It occurs in low-grade metamorphosed sedimentary manganese ore deposits associated with hyalophane, braunite and tamaite.
  • The prevalence of ferroalloy plants is due to the availability of manganese ore near Visakhapatnam.
  • The production of chlorine and hypochlorite bleaching agents was a large consumer of manganese ores.
  • Other economically important manganese ores usually show a close spatial relation to the iron ores.
  • She may have been in the half of the American-Hawaiian fleet that was manganese ore.
  • Manganese ore was discovered in the region in 1953.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define manganese ore in a sentence and how is the word manganese ore used in a sentence and examples? manganese ore造句, manganese ore造句, 用manganese ore造句, manganese ore meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.