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mail service in a sentence

"mail service" in Chinese  "mail service" meaning  


  • -- Would improve direct mail service between the United States and Cuba.
  • Although the contract has run out, mail service will not be affected.
  • Union officials say the mail service has made no pay offer yet.
  • In 1906 Albert Behne established the first post office and mail service.
  • The talks did yield a deal on opening an express mail service.
  • Numerous airlines operated the Dornier Wal on scheduled passenger and mail services.
  • There were no trains, buses or mail service in most of Belgium.
  • Mail service at that time was limited to three days a week.
  • Smugglers are also reportedly using courier mail services to ship the drug.
  • Theft of money orders sent via the mail service is also commonplace.
  • It's difficult to see mail service in a sentence .
  • And the administration has proposed starting direct mail service to the island.
  • If you use a web mail service, just copy and paste.
  • Some other major Internet providers have their own Web e-mail service.
  • Mail service was halted shortly after the Sept . 11 attacks.
  • Miami-Dade police then sent the prints through an overnight mail service.
  • The banking system and mail service can present problems for newcomers.
  • The mail service is now sent through the Richwood Post Office.
  • By 1920, the Air Mail service had delivered 49 million letters.
  • And the mail service often can't be trusted to make deliveries.
  • He blames the anthrax-caused disruption of mail service for the delay.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define mail service in a sentence and how is the word mail service used in a sentence and examples? mail service造句, mail service造句, 用mail service造句, mail service meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.