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lodestar in a sentence

"lodestar" in Chinese  "lodestar" meaning  


  • Such evidence is the lodestar of the interpretation of the trust.
  • The new system will replace ground-based radar with satellite lodestars.
  • But investors and the news media still treat it like a lodestar.
  • His lodestar, like Clinton's, is the middle class.
  • Kilwa and Unguja ( Zanzibar ) were the Yao lodestars.
  • Yes, American foreign policy should to be guided by certain lodestar principles.
  • That should be the lodestar of American and U . N . policy.
  • I think it is important that you have a lodestar here of democracy.
  • Flights continued onwards to Lockheed Lodestar on its services to Kaikohe and Kaitaia.
  • But it is Truman, not Roosevelt, whom Clinton uses as his lodestar.
  • It's difficult to see lodestar in a sentence .
  • Our tax lodestar has been low marginal rates.
  • Democracy, she said in Warsaw, was her " lodestar ."
  • "There's no point in making him a lodestar for unhappiness.
  • Our city's faithful lodestar has been replaced by fickle, pungent smoke.
  • There, the lodestar should be the evidence.
  • It was the lodestar for other companies.
  • But to his supporters, Armey's ideological lodestar is his most appealing quality.
  • PRINCESS OF THE PRESS By Angela Shelf Medearis ( Lodestar, $ 14.99)
  • When the Soviet Union collapsed, the makers of American foreign policy lost their lodestar.
  • Gammon's ferociously miserable Henry Moss is the show's blazing emotional lodestar.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define lodestar in a sentence and how is the word lodestar used in a sentence and examples? lodestar造句, lodestar造句, 用lodestar造句, lodestar meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.