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lay bare in a sentence

"lay bare" in Chinese  "lay bare" meaning  


  • He published his autobiography " Lay Bare the Heart " in 1985.
  • That fact only helped to lay bare the truth about the Seahawks'offense.
  • Irons lays bare in his preface his unyielding preference for the " liberal"
  • The report lays bare a pattern of " woefully inadequate " post-surgical care.
  • Lane isn't one to lay bare his private life to strangers.
  • For now, it is enough to lay bare the fickle past.
  • They lay bare the president's mind and thoughts as he slowly destroys himself.
  • Schwimmer mercilessly lays bare his character's opportunism, casual cruelties, and chronic self-deception ".
  • In the village of Hassan-Kolangi, freshly dug graves lay bare.
  • Currently it cannot be lay bare about his upcoming projects.
  • It's difficult to see lay bare in a sentence .
  • Through his characters and narration, Balzac lays bare the social Darwinism of this society.
  • Or does this dilemma simply lay bare harder truths about a city's ultimate vulnerability?
  • Not that textbooks lay bare the unsavory details of the country's march through Asia.
  • Freshly dug graves in the village of Hassan-Kolangi lay bare.
  • Flinn skillfully lays bare the mind games that abusers play.
  • His " Three Sisters " begins lucidly to lay bare the play's existential anguish.
  • "Newjack " lays bare how prison work deadens the COs.
  • Chartier lays bare the abuses of the feudal army and the sufferings of the peasants.
  • But it also lays bare the problems that remain.
  • Holmes's powers unravel the mystery, and lay bare what villainies there are to be exposed.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define lay bare in a sentence and how is the word lay bare used in a sentence and examples? lay bare造句, lay bare造句, 用lay bare造句, lay bare meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.