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key frame in a sentence

"key frame" in Chinese  "key frame" meaning  


  • Characters needed to be dynamic, so we used key frame.
  • The majority of mainstream anime uses fewer expressive key frames and more in-between animation.
  • The traditional method of adding hand and finger motion is to key frame the fingers.
  • Every key frame is numbered with a multi-digit identifier that may be referred to later.
  • :So, one advantage of key frame is that it prevents encoding errors from accummulating over time.
  • Remember the traditional process : Master animator draws key frames, maybe one or two per second.
  • For that reason, it is beneficial to include key frames at arbitrary intervals while encoding video.
  • Master animators would draw key frames of the film, then, junior animators would draw the in-between frames.
  • In computer graphics, Catmull Rom splines are frequently used to get smooth interpolated motion between key frames.
  • This is called inbetweening or tweening and the overall process is called " key frame animation ".
  • It's difficult to see key frame in a sentence .
  • Motion-estimation software was then used to interpolate the extrapolated colour from the key frames into the intervening frames.
  • The ideas counterproliferation intelligence, across all the 8 D's is a key frame for the work of this Commission.
  • Normally, decoding of a bitstream can be initiated without having to start from the beginning of a key frames.
  • The boy, although less detailed than his creature counterpart, is also animated with similar fluidity through key frame animation.
  • Artists still draw " key frames " the major poses of the characters but computers fill in the missing parts.
  • The Lite version of the Retargeter software transfers actor s performances onto animated characters and reduces and smooths key frames.
  • A "'key frame "'in animation and filmmaking is a drawing that defines the starting and ending points of any inbetweens.
  • New features include Smart Bones, Editable Motion Graphs and B閦ier handles, and major enhancements to the timeline, key frames and onionskins.
  • Starting from each key frame, decoders keep 8 frames buffered to be used as reference frames or to be shown later.
  • This he implements by drawing a key frame, erasing certain areas of it, re-drawing them and thus creating the next frame.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define key frame in a sentence and how is the word key frame used in a sentence and examples? key frame造句, key frame造句, 用key frame造句, key frame meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.