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kaolin in a sentence

"kaolin" in Chinese  "kaolin" meaning  


  • Q . What is kaolin and where does it come from?
  • Nonmetallic products include marble, kaolin, sandstone, and more.
  • In the 20th century the extraction of kaolin was important economically.
  • The source was found to be kaolin added to animal feed.
  • Cotton and kaolin were the only two commodities shipped in 2012.
  • Similar processes created the rich kaolin deposits in Middle Georgia.
  • Other natural resources include kaolin, salt, phosphate, and limestone.
  • Antacids increase the rate of pseudoephedrine absorption, while kaolin decreases it.
  • Similar kaolin ingestion is also widespread in parts of Africa.
  • The primary natural mineral resource in the area is kaolin.
  • It's difficult to see kaolin in a sentence .
  • Since 1996 kaolin transportation has been the only task of this railway.
  • Did they really plow under the front side and begin mining for kaolin?
  • Is the kaolin in diarrhea medication the same as the clay in china?
  • On the West Coast, kaolin film prevented sunburn on apples and walnuts.
  • Kaolin production in the US during 2011 was 5.5 million tonnes.
  • Kaolin is also known for its capabilities to induce and accelerate blood clotting.
  • Others contain fine scales of kaolin or of mica.
  • Victoria also produces limited amounts of gypsum and kaolin.
  • Mineral resources include kaolin, silica sand, gypsum, and glass sand.
  • Kaolin is sometimes found in association with coal deposits.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define kaolin in a sentence and how is the word kaolin used in a sentence and examples? kaolin造句, kaolin造句, 用kaolin造句, kaolin meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.