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industry in a sentence

"industry" in Chinese  "industry" meaning  


  • Industry analysts said the deal offers strategic benefits for both companies.
  • Top poultry industry officials have never been implicated in these schemes.
  • Now, the pork industry is trending that way, too.
  • What other industry carries a 30 percent to 40 percent tax?
  • But the real winner will be the ethanol-producing industry.
  • Farcast also offers automatic stock quotes on individual companies and industries.
  • They want the meat industry and government to help, too.
  • This is a $ 2 billion industry, a runaway success.
  • The industry prefers diverse, but clearly more investors are perplexed.
  • The answer is a matter of debate in the software industry.
  • It's difficult to see industry in a sentence .
  • Veterans of the audio trade draw parallels with the automobile industry.
  • Germany's auto industry has gone from gloom to zoom.
  • I don't think it meets industry standards ."
  • He set up a model for cooperative industry-university research.
  • Big-time operators throughout the medical industry are cleaning up.
  • Friedland's ability to make deals earned him industry respect.
  • The racing industry still behaves as though the world were flat.
  • American industry increased production for the 14th consecutive month in July.
  • May need some help understanding the economics of the fishing industry.
  • Overall, industry representatives say, their advertising has been successful.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define industry in a sentence and how is the word industry used in a sentence and examples? industry造句, industry造句, 用industry造句, industry meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.