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have in a sentence

"have" in Chinese  "have" meaning  


  • Nigeria appears to have advanced further than Cameroon at this stage.
  • We all love him, but we have to move on.
  • Teachers'unions and school boards have put up stiff resistance.
  • Politicians have been urged on by parents desperate for better schools.
  • As a result, charter-school laws have been spreading.
  • If you have dry skin, look for things with moisturizers.
  • We didn't quite have the equipment for classical ballet.
  • You must be very organized and have everything ready to go.
  • Some people achieve celebrity and others have it thrust upon them.
  • I don't think I will have to motivate him.
  • It's difficult to see have in a sentence .
  • Four years ago, Williams was found to have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  • At both crime scenes, the police have found matching shells.
  • I just wanted to test the knee and have some fun.
  • He didn't have any one thing going for him.
  • Darling still will have one more assignment before he can rest.
  • Several of the students have taken her up on the offer.
  • A lot of things have failed out here in Indian Country,
  • That's really the challenge that we have ."
  • Maybe they should have found another way to solve this problem.
  • All the kitchen and bathroom equipment may have to be replaced.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define have in a sentence and how is the word have used in a sentence and examples? have造句, have造句, 用have造句, have meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.