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habitus in a sentence

"habitus" in Chinese  "habitus" meaning  


  • "Habitus is not fatal, " said Bourdieu.
  • At, the juvenile krill resembles the habitus of the adults.
  • She makes use of Umberto Eco's reading of habitus.
  • Habitus : Collective system of dispositions that individuals or groups have.
  • Assessment of posture and body habitus is the next step.
  • The relationship between habitus and field is two-way.
  • These are also plesiomorphic in " habitus " and habits.
  • Coxoplectoptera belong to the stem group of freshwater shrimp-like habitus.
  • Crudely put, the habitus is the system of dispositions which individuals have.
  • The son was known as Aulus Cluentius Habitus Minor.
  • It's difficult to see habitus in a sentence .
  • The most important concept to grasp is habitus.
  • For Bourdieu, habitus and field can only exist in relation to each other.
  • The habitus is the subjective system of expectations and predispositions acquired through past experience.
  • They show a typical habitus with gracile pedipalp chelae and a moderately thickened metasoma.
  • Patients suffering from homocystinuria have Marfan habitus.
  • Habitus of larvae and imagines are, for most genera, illustrated by color photographs.
  • Unlike medication dosing, body habitus therefore does not affect the accuracy of the prediction.
  • Bourdieu's principle of habitus is interwoven with the concept of structuralism in literary theory.
  • Habitus manifests the structures of the field, and the field mediates between habitus and practice.
  • Habitus manifests the structures of the field, and the field mediates between habitus and practice.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define habitus in a sentence and how is the word habitus used in a sentence and examples? habitus造句, habitus造句, 用habitus造句, habitus meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.