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habitual in a sentence

"habitual" in Chinese  "habitual" meaning  


  • Merchants said that habitual criminals circumvent video cameras by wearing hoods.
  • He got federal money to start a habitual criminal prosecution program.
  • Not born liar, or habitual liar, or inveterate liar.
  • Since then, Italian politics has reverted to its habitual shambles.
  • Even before the shootout, authorities considered Brown a habitual criminal.
  • Esto es una creacion de personas de una manera no habitual.
  • "It's habitual, " she said.
  • Often, we stuff ourselves into habitual ways of doing things.
  • I became a chronic and habitual liar to hide my addiction.
  • You are stepping beyond the comfort of habitual patterns of perception.
  • It's difficult to see habitual in a sentence .
  • His license was revoked for several years for habitual traffic violations.
  • The peculiarities of her settings reorient the dancers'habitual responses.
  • Habitual drug users, they died 16 months apart from AIDS.
  • This memory is deep, focused and based on habitual recitation.
  • Evans has served time in state prison as a habitual offender.
  • Habitual braggarts boasted about crushing unexploded bombs with their bare hands.
  • Guys have been monitored, habitual criminals have been spoken to,
  • Mountjoy also suffers from habitual overcrowding and a violent drug trade.
  • The habitual retraction of the claws preserves their points from wear.
  • Participants first learn their habitual role in their family of origin.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define habitual in a sentence and how is the word habitual used in a sentence and examples? habitual造句, habitual造句, 用habitual造句, habitual meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.