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foxy in a sentence

"foxy" in Chinese  "foxy" meaning  


  • Foxy inspecting Foxy caused quite a stir with passers-by.
  • Foxy inspecting Foxy caused quite a stir with passers-by.
  • Kersey, Johnson, and Elie are all foxy old pros.
  • John Galliano will play host, and Foxy Brown will perform.
  • Foxy sang impromptu songs, told incorrect jokes and imaginative stories.
  • Why'd you drop $ 150 at the Foxy Lady?
  • She told the jury that Judge Foster " Foxy"
  • They were staying with Foxy, they were staying with Fish,
  • _Foxy Xx, ridden by Austria's Harald Riedl.
  • They begin touring with Anberlin and Foxy Shazam in January 2011.
  • It's difficult to see foxy in a sentence .
  • Foxy Brown, at 17, dispenses explicit sexual scenarios.
  • They were all Foxy Browns, " she said.
  • Foxies had to twist Bradshaw's arm to do this piece.
  • Foster, 42, looked foxy in all of them.
  • Her 1970s films included " Foxy Brown,"
  • Christina proclaims in one of the movie's few foxy lines.
  • Foxy Brown; " Mystery of Iniquity,"
  • This also marks the first time Foxy's name was mentioned.
  • All three Foxy shorts eventually went into the public domain.
  • Herbert was a dress manufacturer and Foxy designed the dresses.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define foxy in a sentence and how is the word foxy used in a sentence and examples? foxy造句, foxy造句, 用foxy造句, foxy meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.