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forward mail in a sentence

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  • A ` Forward Mail'Feature For Those Who Switch ISP's
  • It can forward HTML mail as an attachment but it cannot forward mail inline.
  • Several were operated as crop dusters, with their forward mail compartment converted into a hopper.
  • Give the forwarding service your current ISP e-mail address so they can forward mail to it.
  • Change your street address and the U . S . Postal Service kindly forwards mail to your new home.
  • Many publishers forward mail to their authors .-- Talk 17 : 07, 13 October 2010 ( UTC)
  • The scanner / tosser application would generally be responsible for basic routing information, determining which systems to forward mail to.
  • In recent years, some companies have begun paying the Internal Revenue Service to forward mail to updated addresses of lost shareholders.
  • Both Plakias and an employee at Prentice-Hall said their main role was to forward mail and update annual filings to the government.
  • An option called " FASTforward " can be added to an MLOCR that allows it to automatically forward mail to a new address.
  • It's difficult to see forward mail in a sentence .
  • Because of spam, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reliably forward mail across different domains, and some recommend avoiding it if at all possible.
  • Residential customers can fill out a form to forward mail to a new address, and can also send pre-printed forms to any of their frequent correspondents.
  • You might be able to set this account up to forward mail to your regular Gmail account . talk ) 15 : 45, 23 November 2012 ( UTC)
  • ROUTE . BBS would then include a list of all the known systems in that area, with instructions to forward mail to each of those nodes through node 10.
  • Because of our joint departures, I assumed my invitation would be deemed undeliverable, as the six-month period in which the post office forwards mail had long ago expired.
  • Three months ago it was only one of 50 centers nationwide fitted with the new Postal Automated Redirection System, which forwards mail to the new addresses of people who have moved.
  • After many customers complained, the company announced a new plan : it will forward mail for up to a year _ as long as people sign up for the new service plan.
  • Some Internet providers will forward mail while you remain a paying customer and for some time after you leave, but with many, when you quit paying, your address will cease to exist.
  • For people who do a lot of traveling, this can become quite a hassle, usually requiring the user to forward mail to an additional wireless mailbox account and then remember to discontinue the forwarding.
  • :Some record publishers will forward mail addressed to the band-failing that, you'd probably need to find a fan club that has ( maybe ) a forum that the band read.
  • More Sentences:  1  2
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