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fold in a sentence

"fold" in Chinese  "fold" meaning  


  • Ramos'prescription for an American victory is four-fold.
  • Fold the bottom up and the sides in, and roll.
  • The owners always talk tough for a while, then fold.
  • I know when to hold them and when to fold them.
  • A VCR-like display shows how to fold each airplane.
  • Fold portion of wrapper nearest you over filling until just covered.
  • Fold in cooled gelatin mixture, then fold in whipped cream.
  • Fold in cooled gelatin mixture, then fold in whipped cream.
  • Fold dry ingredients into potato mixture, stirring just until combined.
  • The folds, of course, are full of sexual connotations.
  • It's difficult to see fold in a sentence .
  • He contends that economic considerations will keep Quebec in the fold.
  • Fold over the narrow end that has no masa on it.
  • We don't fold our tent when things get tough.
  • He beams as he's baptized into the party fold.
  • But Boston did not fold after New York made its move.
  • For informal meals or picnics, fold them to hold silverware.
  • Whisk in mascarpone and gently but thoroughly fold in whipped cream.
  • The leash presents a two-fold problem for the dog.
  • In this one game, he forgot to fold them down.
  • Fold whipped cream into chocolate mixture until no chocolate streaks remain.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define fold in a sentence and how is the word fold used in a sentence and examples? fold造句, fold造句, 用fold造句, fold meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.